CMM Sitework, Inc. started working on this Vineyard in June 2017. We started with constructing an access road and installing wire backed silt fencing. We trenched and backfilled for temporary pump house electric system in order to keep the water supply working in the vineyard during construction. We removed and disposed of the foundation beneath the existing house that was raised by a house-lifting contractor.
CMM Sitework, Inc. started working on this Vineyard in June 2017. We started with constructing an access road and installing wire backed silt fencing. We trenched and backfilled for temporary pump house electric system in order to keep the water supply working in the vineyard during construction. We removed and disposed of the foundation beneath the existing house that was raised by a house-lifting contractor.
We excavated for the new foundation under the house and all the new additions. We furnished and installed several storm water drywells from parking lot drainage. We also installed two sanitary systems consisting of grease traps, septic tanks, leaching pools and PVC piping, we then abandoned the existing septic systems. Excavated and backfilled for water service and fire sprinkler supply line. CMM Sitework, Inc. then supplied equipment and labor to install an electric manhole and transformer pad. CMM Sitework, Inc. completed their scope of work on time and on budget in December 2017.